We’re a dynamic participant in society, leading our community in leveraging change for social and economic benefit. We listen to the industry. And we connect with diverse community groups far and wide to deliver education and research of the highest value and impact

At Escae Benin University, we embrace our role and purpose as a future-maker for our city, our nation, and Africa.
We pursue meaningful change as we celebrate our proud history: applying proven values in the pursuit of contemporary educational and research excellence; meeting our local and global community’s evolving needs and challenges, and striving to prepare our graduates for their aspirations and the needs of the future workforce.
Our Drive
The University is uniquely positioned to design and drive a prosperous, entrepreneurial future for Africa built on knowledge, innovation, and collaboration.
Our Vision
ESCAE BENIN University will have a transformative impact on society through continual innovation in education, research, creativity, and entrepreneurship.
Our Mission
Commitment to nurturing a vibrant academic community conducive for the study creation and dissemination of knowledge through research, training, and service.
The University is uniquely positioned to design and drive a prosperous, entrepreneurial future for Africa built on knowledge, innovation, and collaboration.